
San Mateo AYSO Region 36 RefereesHelp

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Welcome to the San Mateo AYSO Region 36 Referees website.

Logon and volunteer to referee 10U, 12U, and 14U matches that fit your schedule. By officiating matches, your child's 10U or 12U team receives bonus points that can help them participate in the end of season regional tournament.
Need Some Help?
This website is for Region 36 AYSO referees volunteering to referee in 10U, 12U, and 14U matches. For refereeing 16U and 19U matches, visit the PenSRA website.-> If you are not in PenSRA, contact the AYSO San Mateo Regional Referee Administrator. Page specific help is available via the help icon near the right of each page title. Visit the AYSO Region 36 website-> for complete information about the AYSO Youth soccer program in San Mateo, CA. To learn how to become a referee in San Mateo, visit Referee-> web page. You can always return to this Home Page by clicking on the AYSO Logo you see in the upper left corner of all the pages.
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Pacific Coast Spring Soccer League

Spring League season commences 3/10 through 5/19. Matches on Sundays at Fiesta Meadows are at



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