Here are some tips on navigating through a RidgeStar site.
The website is ROLE based. What data you can see, what data you can enter, what functions you can perform are based on your ROLE.
It is not uncommon for an individual to have more than one role. For example you can be an ASSIGNOR and a REFEREE. In each role you can interact with different portions of the website.
Each Role has a 'Segment' associated with it. The segment is the part of the website designed for that Role. You access the different segments of the website through the buttons along the left of your screen.
Some of the Roles on the website are:
Most of the website is considered 'Private'. You must log on to access the private segments of the website. Minimal information is in the Public portion of the website.
By default, no contact information is available on the Public section of the website. Individuals also can select what contact information they make available in the private portion of the website. Individuals make these elections in their Profile.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) are designed to help you interact with the website. They are always evolving. Please check here first. Note the FAQ different in different Segments.
Terminology Computers by definition have to be precise. The English language is not precise. In an effort to meld the two, definitions for some of the terms used on the website can be found under Information:Terminology.
Search The Search function on the website will enable you to use Google to look for topics. Search works only on the Public Portion of the website.
For the hardcore, you can learn more about how the website works and its capabilities by visiting or