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Franklin/Osberg SchoolsOpenStreetMap

Franklin address is 2385 Trousdale Dr. For Osberg, above the stadium parking can be accessed via the "Staff Only" drveway on Quesada Way.

1715 Quesada Way
Burlingame, CA 94010
Fields defined at this Location
  1. Franklin Field (Synthetic Turf)
    Franklin address is 2385 Trousdale Dr. For Osberg, above the stadium parking can be accessed via the "Staff Only" drveway on Quesada Way.
  2. Franklin Field North (Synthetic Turf)
    Franklin address is 2385 Trousdale Dr. For Osberg, above the stadium parking can be accessed via the "Staff Only" drveway on Quesada Way.
  3. Franklin Field South (Synthetic Turf)
    Franklin address is 2385 Trousdale Dr. For Osberg, above the stadium parking can be accessed via the "Staff Only" drveway on Quesada Way.
  4. Osberg Field
    Franklin address is 2385 Trousdale Dr. For Osberg, above the stadium parking can be accessed via the "Staff Only" drveway on Quesada Way.
Google Derived Travel Durations
23Crystal Springs Uplands School16 minutes