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King CenterOpenStreetMap

Field Conditions Hotline at 650.522-7439

700 E Santa Inez Ave
San Mateo, CA 94402
Fields defined at this Location
  1. King Center (Synthetic Turf)
  2. King Center North (Synthetic Turf)
  3. King Center South (Synthetic Turf)
Google Derived Travel Durations
6Bay Meadows Fields8 minutes
1Joinville Park9 minutes
4Los Prados Park8 minutes

Location and Fields

Each Location can have one or more Fields.

Fragment Search Boxes

The data input boxes above each column allow you to input a "fragment" of the desired data. Then click "Show" reset (when visible) resets the search values to your personal, the website or the system default via sequential clicks. save (if visible) after clicking Show, you can save the search criteria (the filters) as your personal criteria. The same search will appear the next time you visit the page. map or openstreetmap produces a map of the Location. drive (when visible) produces google directions from the address in your profile to the Location.